…Hitler credea in ecumenism si toleranta religioasa!

martie 19, 2009 0

…rasfoiesc zilele acestea „Hitler’s Table Talk: 1941-1944” (ed. H.R. Trevor-Ropper) – o transcriere fidela a conversatiilor purtate de catre Hitler cu prieteni, invitati, etc realizata la initiativa lui Martin Bormann. („Conversatii” e, poate, prea mult spus: sunt consemnate doar interventiile lui Hitler – replicile celorlalti interlocutori fiind rezumate doar pentru a asigura coerenta materialului.) Cartea e fascinanta din mai multe puncte de vedere, oferind posibilitatea de a cunoaste parerile necenzurate ale Fuhrerului despre o sumedenie de subiecte (y compris Romania, Antonescu, Regele Mihai, clasa politica, etc).
Deocamdata, insa, doar o felie (inteleptul a spus sa te apropii incet de miezul placerilor:) – referitoare la Crestinism, ecumenism si toleranta religioasa. Hitler nu era ateu – credea in Providenta dar refuza sa accepte ca Biserica e altceva decat o uriasa minciuna, bazata pe ipocrizie si naivitate. Intr-o convorbire purtata la pranz in 27 februarie 1942 face o lunga incursiune in acest subiect. Iata un fragment (evident, tradus in engleza):
„I shall never believe that what is founded on lies can endure forever. I believe in truth. I’m sure that, in the long run, truth must be victorious. It’s probable that, as regards religion, we are about to enter an era of tolerance. Everybody will be allowed to seek his own salvation in the way that suits him best. The ancient world knew this climate of tolerance. Nobody took to proselytizing. If I enter a church, it’s not with the idea of overturning idols. It’s to look for, and perhaps to find, beauties in which I’m interested.”
„I’ve never concerned myself, in the Party, with learning to which Church the men around me belonged, or did not belong.”
„Our epoch will certainly see the end of the disease of Christianity. It will last another hundred years, two hundred years perhaps.”
„We are entering into a conception of the world that will be a sunny era, an era of tolerance. Man must be put in a position to develop freely the talents that God had given him”.
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