McCain: avans de 20 de milioane USD fata de Obama. McCain: advance of 20 million USD from Obama

noiembrie 2, 2008 0

Am primit acest e-mail, dupa ce ma inregistrasem pe site-ul lui Obama. Nu pentru ca imi place in mod deosebit, ci pentru ca auzisem de modul in care strange bani de la fanii sai.
THE ENGLISH VERSION HERE: McCain: advance of 20 million USD from Obama.
Un domn, care se recomanda Chief Financial Officer spune ca McCain are cu 20 de milioane de dolari mai mult decat Obama si s-ar putea sa castige daca isi va folosi acesti bani ca sa influenteze modul in care vor vota americanii….
Am incercat un exercitiu despre cum ar arata in Romania o atitudine similara.
“ Sunt T.B. si iti scriu pentru ca A.N. are cu 12 milioane de euro mai mult decat mine si s-ar putea sa castige alegerile. Fa acum o donatie de o suta de euro! Semnat: Th.S.”
“Sunt A.N. si surse autorizate mi-au confirmat faptul ca T.B. a castigat in ultimii ani 50 de milioane de euro, pe care se pregateste sa-I foloseasca acum. Eu nu am asa de multi bani. Fa o donatie de doua sute de euro, ca sa pot ajunge si eu unde a fost T.B. Semnat: Micky S.”
Oare le-ar da cineva vreun ban?
Razvan –
I’m the Chief Financial Officer for Barack Obama’s campaign. I track the donations coming in and the expenses going out.
I asked for the opportunity to write to you directly so that I could try to explain what’s happening right now.
This weekend the McCain campaign said they would outspend us by $10 million in the final days. This is on top of recent news that, as of October 15th, our opponents had $20 million more in the bank than our campaign and the DNC combined.
We knew the McCain campaign was saving its resources for a last-minute blitz, and now we know just how much they’ll pour into it.
No matter what, we need to match what our opponents are spending in the final stretch. We can’t slow down between now and Election Day.
If you give today – any amount – you could be one of 5 first-time donors who will have a front row seat for the big Election Night event in Chicago with Barack.

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